Craniosacral Therapy
Craniosacral Therapy (CST) is a gentle, non-invasive, hands-on technique developed by an American osteopathic physician almost one hundred years ago.
CST theory and practice is based on understanding the continuous subtle movements of the cranial bones, which result in a rhythm of approximately six to twelve cycles per minute. This rhythm is understood as a response to cerebralspinal fluid (CSF) fluctuations within the spinal cord and brain environment. The subtle movement extends outward to the entire body, in response to the fluid pressure changes around the central nervous system (CNS).
A therapist works gently with the spine and the skull, and it's cranial sutures, diapragms and fascia. By using the hands as fine discriminating tools, Craniosacral therapists are able to detect disturbences in the rhythm to help them identify areas of disfunction such as cranial, sutural, membrane and other soft tissue restrictions in the body.
Cranialsacral therapy helps to:
-restore normal cranial mobility
-releases abnormal myofascial restrictions and tensions in the body
-releases abnormal strictions in the head
-optimizes cerebralspinal fluid (CSF) movement through the central nervous system
-eases restrictions of nerves
-restore misaligned bones to their proper position
Craniosacral therapy is beneficial for:
-TMJ syndrome
-recurrent ear infections
-learning disabilities, ADD, ADHD
-gross and fine motor problems
-developmental delays, autism
-tinnitus, vertigo, hearing loss
-stress disorders, insomnia
-muscle and joint pain or injury
CST theory and practice is based on understanding the continuous subtle movements of the cranial bones, which result in a rhythm of approximately six to twelve cycles per minute. This rhythm is understood as a response to cerebralspinal fluid (CSF) fluctuations within the spinal cord and brain environment. The subtle movement extends outward to the entire body, in response to the fluid pressure changes around the central nervous system (CNS).
A therapist works gently with the spine and the skull, and it's cranial sutures, diapragms and fascia. By using the hands as fine discriminating tools, Craniosacral therapists are able to detect disturbences in the rhythm to help them identify areas of disfunction such as cranial, sutural, membrane and other soft tissue restrictions in the body.
Cranialsacral therapy helps to:
-restore normal cranial mobility
-releases abnormal myofascial restrictions and tensions in the body
-releases abnormal strictions in the head
-optimizes cerebralspinal fluid (CSF) movement through the central nervous system
-eases restrictions of nerves
-restore misaligned bones to their proper position
Craniosacral therapy is beneficial for:
-TMJ syndrome
-recurrent ear infections
-learning disabilities, ADD, ADHD
-gross and fine motor problems
-developmental delays, autism
-tinnitus, vertigo, hearing loss
-stress disorders, insomnia
-muscle and joint pain or injury